How Much Can I Make as a Laser Safety Officer?

a man in safety gear standing in front of a machine.

According to ZipRecruiter, as of September 1, 2022, the average annual pay for a Laser Safety Officer in the United States is $64,958 a year.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $135,000 and as low as $20,000, the majority of Laser Safety Officer salaries currently range between $34,000 (25th percentile) to $85,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $123,500 annually across the United States. The average pay range for a Laser Safety Officer varies greatly (by as much as $51,500), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

To estimate the most accurate annual salary range for Laser Safety Officer jobs, ZipRecruiter continuously scans its database of millions of active jobs published locally throughout America.

Note – This blog with new numbers from Sept, 2022… but you can clock the link below and get today’s numbers…

Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Laser Safety Officer Jobs

We’ve identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a Laser Safety Officer job is above the national average. Topping the list is Atkinson, NE, with San Francisco, CA and Bolinas, CA close behind in the second and third positions. Bolinas, CA beats the national average by $13,080 (20.1%), and Atkinson, NE furthers that trend with another $15,913 (24.5%) above the $64,958 average.

With these 10 cities having average salaries higher than the national average, the opportunities for economic advancement by changing locations as a Laser Safety Officer appears to be exceedingly fruitful.

Finally, another factor to consider is the average salary for these top ten cities varies very little at 12% between Atkinson, NE and Seattle, WA, reinforcing the limited potential for much wage advancement. The possibility of a lower cost of living may be the best factor to use when considering location and salary for a Laser Safety Officer role.

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Atkinson, NE$80,871$6,739$1,555$38.88
San Francisco, CA$78,587$6,548$1,511$37.78
Bolinas, CA$78,038$6,503$1,500$37.52
Frankston, TX$75,654$6,221$1,435$35.89
San Jose, CA$74,189$6,182$1,426$35.67
Belle, WV$73,858$6,154$1,420$35.51
Jackson, WY$73,058$6,090$1,405$35.14
Diamond Ridge, AK$72,988$6,082$1,403$35.09
Barnstable Town, MA$72,108$6,009$1,386$34.67
Seattle, WA$71,695$5,974$1,378$34.47
Source: ZipRecruiter

We found at least five jobs related to the Laser Safety Officer job category that pay more per year than a typical Laser Safety Officer salary. Top examples of these roles include: Process Safety Manager, Corporate Safety Director, and Medical Safety Officer.

Importantly, all of these jobs are paid between $34,029 (52.4%) and $56,684 (87.3%) more than the average Laser Safety Officer salary of $64,958. If you’re qualified, getting hired for one of these related Laser Safety Officer jobs may help you make more money than that of the average Laser Safety Officer position.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Medical Safety Officer$121,642$10,136$2,339$58.48
Corporate Safety Director$118,125$9,843$2,271$56.79
Medical Safety Officer$115,719$9,643$2,225$55.63
Director Safety$101,124$8,427$1,944$48.62
Safety Engineering$98,987$8,248$1,903$47.59
Source: ZipRecruiter

How we can help

Get started today by enrolling your company. Then select the Laser Safety Officer certification course that meets your needs– Industrial, Medical/Healthcare, Veterinary or Cosmetic. Or select the Kit Bundle that for the laser safety training kit to establish your workplace laser safety program.  We are here to answer any questions.   Just email us at or check out our FAQ section for answers to common questions.


[1] ZipRecruiter: Laser Safety Officer search:

a man in safety gear standing in front of a machine.
    • Hi Katherine, Zip Recruiter (via the source link at the bottom) does not seem to break out salaries by type of LSO, but it indicates Florida has a LSO average annual salary of $56643 with an hourly average of $26.27.

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